Basic Policy

MEDIA DO’s corporate creed states that “all people have limitless potential and can grow with time” and that “MEDIA DO will continue to grow so long as its people grow.” As indicated by these statements, we view human resources as indispensable to the ongoing growth of the Company.

Moreover, we seek to fulfill our mission of “unleashing a virtuous cycle of literary creation” and thereby realize our vision of “More Content for More People!” Moving forward with this mission requires all employees to acquire expertise and experience through their work and for us to utilize our corporate culture as a foundation for fully capitalizing on the growth and potential of our employees. Acting in accordance with this basic policy, we will seek to create environments that allow all employees to achieve independence and demonstrate their growth and potential as they take the initiative in tackling new challenges.

- MEDIA DO Group Human Rights Policy
- Human Resource Basic Policy

Human Resource Recruitment and Development Strategies

In addition to recruitment of new-graduate and mid-career hires, MEDIA DO has adopted a human resource development approach toward fostering future leaders targeting people seeking new places of employment one to three years after joining a different company out of university. Meanwhile, new-graduate recruits are positioned as core members of the Company. We are bolstering the range of internships and online and offline explanatory forums aimed at people searching for employment out of university, and applications are accepted from individuals throughout Japan with the goal of recruiting people with high motivation and potential for growth.

MEDIA DO has been recruiting new graduates for more than 13 years, and many employees recruited in this manner have grown to become core members of the Company, with some even holding management positions. We also welcome midcareer individuals, and are proactively recruiting engineers; business development, sales, and corporate personnel; and a wide range of other professionals from a variety of backgrounds. To better invigorate the growth of both our business and our people, our human resource evaluation and compensation systems define action expectations for specific positions and ranks and clearly identify the experience, specialized knowledge, and other qualities required for each position and level. This degree of clarity makes readily apparent the direction that each individual should pursue in their desired career path and the next step to take. Supervisors use action expectations to guide the growth of subordinates in a wide range of situations, such as when assigning work and requesting training program participation.

Enhancement of Human Capital

To facilitate the accomplishment of the targets of the mediumterm management plan, MEDIA DO has implemented succession plans based on organization plans linked to business strategies. On-the-job and off-the-job training is conducted in a systematic manner based on the project future needs of the Company’s business and on the career plans of individual employees in order to improve both skills and motivation.

External recruitment is practiced alongside the systematic cultivation of internal employees in order to obtain the ideal employees for proactive and optimal assignments based on clearly defined conditions for the human resources required to advance business activities. To facilitate external recruitment, we make offers that are appealing toward individuals motivated to grow while also pursuing constant improvements to our workplace environment in terms of both infrastructure and culture. These efforts are contributing to the ongoing enhancement of human capital.

Development of New Systems and Workplace Environment Matched to New Workstyles

Job-Type Human Resource Systems
In the fiscal year ended February 28, 2022, job-type human resource systems were introduced for engineers and certain other career paths to promote individual ambition and clarify work duties and responsibilities. By creating multiple paths for evaluation and compensation systems, we aim to recruit talented people who are competitive in the job market and stimulate the individual growth of employees while also driving improvements in corporate performance.

Training Programs
Training programs have been developed for various career paths, including management, engineers, and non-engineer specialists. These programs are designed to promote understanding with regard to the expectations of each job type and to offer hands-on opportunities to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. At the same time, the skills of individual employees are assessed when deciding promotions to assign each individual to their ideal position and to the processes that best match their aptitudes.

Workstyle Reforms and Value Creation Promotion

MEDIA DO proposes new workstyles that incorporate flexible ways of working through the use of flextime, teleworking, and other sys-tems. As the extreme cir-cumstances that arose amid the COVID-19 pandemic dissipate, we seek to promote the creation of value through communication and connections between employees and others both inside and outside of the organization. To this end, a mas-sive renovation was undertaken at MEDIA DO’s head office in the fiscal year ended February 28, 2023, to build a café and otherwise realize a more comfortable workplace.

Promotion of Diversity
MEDIA DO had previously targeted a ratio of female employees in management of 30%, but this target was accomplished in March 2023, a year ahead of schedule. However, the empowerment of female employees remains an important management task. To achieve further improvements with this regard, we have intro-duced two new internal training programs on empowering our female staff, one for female employees highly motivated toward growth and one for managers of all genders. The Company is also promoting the employment of people with disabilities. We have trained job coaches to expand the range of duties that employees with disabilities can perform at MEDIA DO, and we are proactive in recruiting such individuals. Moreover, we are coordinating with external support firms to develop a workplace environment in which employees with disabilities can feel peace of mind and reliably perform their duties.